Senior Ladies are County Champions

A huge congratulations to our seniour ladies’ team and management as they overcome local rivals Aldergrove in the Intermiediate Championship final at Hannahstown on Sunday. In terrible conditions the team were able to claim a fantastic 4-12 to 1-05 victory. They will now go on to represent Antrim in the Ulster Intermediate Championship against Donegal champions, Naomh Mhuire, on Saturday 14th October in Donegal.

Our ladies senior team has no won 2 Junior Championships and 3 Intermediate Championships since 2011. Special mention to Cathy Scannell and Edel McMullan who have been part of all of those sides and have shown great leadership and committment throughout the years.

Huge thanks also to Mickey Devlin, Chris Scullion and Neill Markey for continuing to raise the level and give the players the best support and coaching they could hope for. Good luck in Ulster.

To read all about he game and see photos from the special occasion, click on the link below for the Saffron Gael report.